Discus fish

Discus fish’s

It is one of the most popular ornamental fish species in the world. Body is almost circular or disc shaped with strong lateral compression. It has small mouth with a steep rising forehead, small bright red eyes and large extended fins. The body has nine dark and vertical stripes and their body base colors usually range from dark brownish to blue and green hues. They are also spotted and striated with blotches of black, yellow and red pigmentation. Dorsal and Anal fins are rounded with a long base while the caudal fin is indented and the pelvic fins are saber shaped. It is a carnivore fish and in wild condition, it mainly feeds on small fish and fry along with larvae, other aquatic insects and invertebrates such as worms. It prefers water chemistry with pH of 6.0-6.5, water hardness of 10 – 150 dGH and water temperature of 82.0 to 88.0° F. It can grow up to 22 cm in length and 250 grams in weight. It can live up to 10 years or more.

Scientific Name: Symphysodon aequifasciatus
Common Name: Cobalt Discus, Blue Discus, Blue Faced Discus, Blue-Head Discus, Red Thunder Discus
Origin: Amazon River Basin
Adult Size: up to 22 cm
Behavior: Peaceful
Tank Level: All
Minimum Tank Size: 50 gallons
Diet: Carnivore
Breeding: Egg layer
Care level: Moderate to Difficult
Water pH: 6.0-6.5
Water Hardness: 10 – 150 dGH
Water Temperature: 82.0 to 88.0° F
Water Movement: Moderate
Lighting: Moderate – normal lighting
Lifespan: 10 years or more




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